
About refund

The refund amount will be the amount of the work only, excluding shipping and cash on delivery fees.
The refund method differs depending on the original payment method.
After the work arrives at our company and is confirmed, we will process the return and refund within 1 to 2 weeks.
In the case of credit card, it will be refunded due to the change in the settlement amount.
Example 1 Product price of 10,000 yen + shipping fee of 750 yen = total order of 10,750 yen ⇒ change the amount to payment of 750 yen Example 2 product price of 50,000 yen or more + free shipping = total of 50,000 yen order ⇒ payment cancellation

※please note※

Depending on the customer's credit card closing date, the original billing amount may be debited once and refunded after the next month.
Please contact your credit card company for details.